You will be able to keep him in the air for a long time with the purchase of these items. You should consider purchasing or upgrading flavors like Buffalo Cheez-It, Slippery lotion, Flavor Master, and Speedometer. You should buy these upgrades that will increase your hero’s speed and make him bounce higher for the first time before investing in them. What Should I Upgrade First Burrito Bison? In order to unlock rift level 14, you must first run through rift level 14 in a single rift run, then time travel back to the beginning. With a wide range of characters and abilities to choose from, Burrito Bison is sure to offer hours of fun and excitement. Each character has its own distinct style, strengths, and weaknesses, encouraging players to experiment and find the one that fits their playstyle best. The characters include Burrito Bison, PineappleSpank, Jelly Jam, Cherry Jam, Strawberry Jam, Gummy Bear, and Cucumber. The game features a total of seven playable characters, each with their own unique abilities and skills. Burrito Bison is a popular online game that has a wide variety of playable characters.